What if stars were sentient...
I have heard many people quote "The Princess Bride" stating that it is their favorite classic movie. While I can appreciate some scenes from the movie (e.g. the sword fighting scene was super awesome), my favorite classic movie is Stardust. When a Star fell from the sky and was chased by one and all for her brightness, I was captivated. The idea that stars could be sentient beings was cool to me. Sometimes when I watch documentaries on the Universe, that idea returns to mind reminding me of the movie. The parallels between the Universe and sentient beings are comparable. If the Universe were a dystopian world with stars as sentient creatures, then galaxies of stars would be empires made of stars; with 60% or more stars living with their partners and families (e.g. binary star systems, three star systems, planets etc); and some stars being special - i.e. having the ability to die and emerge as black holes; with some black holes being strong enough to rule galaxies from their centers.... while others being rogue alphas without a galaxy to rule. Galaxy collisions would be like wars resulting in a single galaxy with the merging of two galaxies or the ripping apart of the losing galaxy. There is so much room to draw parallels between known facts and a sentient parallel. The whole idea seemed super cool to me. Or the idea for a fantasy story. ;)
If stars were sentient, would we ever know? Is that something we would investigate for proof?
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