The Assassin's Oath
The Assassins' oath words from The Assasin's Creed movie stayed with me even after watching the movie.
“Where other men blindly follow the truth, remember, Nothing is true. Where other men are limited by morality or law, remember, Everything is permitted. We work in the dark to serve the light. We are Assassins.”
The first part asks the assassin to question everything. The second part highlights that there are no walls. And then it goes on to explain how assassins work from the shadows.
The first two sentences were the most important for me. All my fears are in my head. Everything is possible. There is always a way. Just because I haven't found a way or an answer to my questions yet doesn't mean that I should stop asking or seeking out of fear. But I build these walls in my head. Who says that I can't work smarter or faster? Who says that I can't dance better? Who says that I can't be stronger or have more discipline? Who says that I can't have a healthy fit body? Or I can't sleep better? What proof or reason is there that there's something wrong with me or that I should be punished or that I have to suffer or that I don't deserve love or the man of my dreams? I think I punish myself for no reason at all by building these walls. I let my fear and guilt decide what I should get in life. But at the end, all these walls are in my head. Nature created none. And while this is something we all know, we forget about it or we fail to believe. We must keep reminding ourselves to keep our minds open to all the possibilities.
If something scares us, we should ask questions and seek proof. Logic helps us realize the truth. => "NOTHING IS TRUE".
Laws and rules are meant to help us live our lives better. And while that's true in general, most systems are not perfect. And most laws and rules fail to cover every edge case. So one must question if a rule/law helps us in a circumstance live a better life in general or whether it is just a sign of a broken system. Because rules/laws were created by us to help us. Nature created none. => "EVERYTHING IS PERMITTED".
P.S. I am not talking about laws of physics or other such laws that are universal. I am talking about the laws/rules we create as a society to live a good moral life.
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