Affirmations are powerful because they help us counteract our inner negative dialogue. For instance, if I repeatedly tell myself, “I will become a millionaire,” that affirmation alone won’t make it happen. Action is still required—such as analyzing my assets and liabilities, increasing my assets, reducing my liabilities, and navigating challenges like unexpected expenses. However, the affirmation “I will become a millionaire” plays a crucial role because many people struggle with self-doubt. They find it hard to believe they can or deserve to achieve such a goal, which keeps them stuck in negative thought patterns. The first step to achieving any goal is winning over your mind. If you can’t even imagine yourself as a millionaire, how can you expect to make it a reality? Affirmations have helped me shift negative self-beliefs and inner dialogue in the past. The key is to use them in ways that resonate with you personally. You don’t have to stand in front of a mirror and repeat them ev...