Three thousand years later.... would we even matter?

 When we look at history from 3000+ years ago, we wonder the technology that Egyptians used to create the pyramids. No one knows for sure. We guess and theorize. But at the end of the day, we don't have all the facts. With the passage of time, facts got lost because there was no way to record them. Ancients used stone tablets and we've decoded the ones that have survived, but this just gives us a partial picture. We also have stories that have been handed down the generations by word of mouth, stories that have changed with their telling and the understanding of the people who imparted them to their descendants; stories that might look very different from their original state. Does this mean that 3000 years later, we will become stories that people talk about but are not sure about? Sure we have technology and computers now. But even the best of computer technology storage will not last for 3000 years. Aren't we assuming that our ancients didn't have technology? Or creativity and innovation? Will people even exist 3000 years later? Will they look and behave like us? Or will we seem primitive to them? Will our stories seem like fantasies to them? Societies rise and fall over time. Does this mean that advancement of technology can also fall over time? What if there were a catastrophe that rendered computers and Internet useless? Paper records and stone don't last forever. How will we preserve information over time? Will we even matter 3000 years later?


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